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Re:Supplies you need to culture O. marina
Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:32 PM
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 Originally Posted by Umm_fish?
Every day. Do water changes every day. Twice a day if you need to. Remember, these guys reproduce really quickly. They just plain fill up the container. But they live fast and die fast. Culture water gets nasty if you leave them be. All that said, I _do_ occasionally have a day where there's just no time to run the siphons and I skip a day. But then I double-dose the Clor-Am-X. Even so, sometimes a culture will head south after I do this. (I just gave up on one today after having skipped a water change earlier this week. It just didn't look or smell right so I dumped it.) Do you ever check the DO of these cultures? You may want to give that a whirl when you double dose ClorAm-X. I seem to remember something about it pulling DO down in higher doses.
Re:Supplies you need to culture O. marina
Thursday, October 13, 2011 3:18 PM
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I don't have a DO meter but it's a good idea. What I see is not necessarily a crash in the O. marina population but a large bloom in the bacterial population, which I regard as a crashed culture, too, since it can cause bacterial blooms in the copepods and is just a huge pain all the way around. In fact, I just re-started another O. marina today because of a bacterial bloom that looks to have transferred to two of my copepod cultures (sigh). Good news is that the alga contaminant in one of my O. marina cultures seems to have died off completely, leaving a very clean O. marina culture. I'm currently splitting that culture through the rest of my buckets (and throwing away the fouled cultures) so I may be rid of the foulness. Maybe even this week!
--Andy, the bucket man. "Not to know the mandolin is to argue oneself unknown...." --Clara Lanza, 1886
Re:Supplies you need to culture O. marina
Monday, November 21, 2011 8:44 PM
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Looks like I messed my cultures up. Both cultures have become cloudy with what I believe to be bacterial blooms. If I had another backup, I could just start over from that one, but it got both in the same day. Is there any method I could use to try to sieve out the O marina from the bacteria? Or possibly a method to starve out the bacteria? I'd like to try that before asking for another starter culture.
- David Gibson Denton, TX