Breeding Journal DataSheet
This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system
General Species: P. kauderni
Social Structure: Mated pair
Size of Individuals: 2"
Age of Individuals: Approx 1.5yrs (I won them at MACNA 2008 from ORA, they were juveniles then.)
Date added to Tank: 9-07-08
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: Sump, approx 11G
Substrate Details: 3" sand, LR, various types of macroalgae.
Filtration Details:
Water Changes: 30% bi-weekly
Water Temperature: 80-82F
Lighting: CF bulb with reflector
Lighting Cycle: 14hrs light, 10hrs light
Other Tank Inhabitants: Diadema urchin
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Various frozen foods including squid, enriched with RatioHUFA. Occasional enriched brine shrimp, seems to induce spawn.
Feeding Schedule: Every 4 hours.
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: 10-30-08
Dates of Consecutive Spawns: 12-25-08, 5-15-09, 8-09-09, 11-27-09
Larval Tank Details Temperature: 82°F
Size of Larval Tank: 10G
Substrate Details: None
Other Tank Decor: Small piece of LR, macro algae, fake urchin. There are also a few pre-meta P. fridmani in the tank as well.
Filtration Details: Sponge filter
Lighting: CF bulb with reflector
Lighting Cycle: 14hrs light, 10hrs dark
Water Changes: Siphon detritus as needed, 20% everyother day.
Larval Feeding Details Food Types: NHBS and copepods from the time the male releases them.
Feeding Schedule:
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Metamorphosis:
Date of Settlement: 11-19-09
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: ~82°F
Size of Grow-Out Tank: 20
Substrate Details:
Other Tank Decor:
Filtration Details: Plumbed into grow out system
Lighting: Shop light
Lighting Cycle: 14hrs light, 10hrs dark
Water Changes:
Size at Transfer:
Age at Transfer: ~26 days post release
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Frozen Cyclopeeze, Otohime A and finely crushes flake foods
Feeding Schedule: Every 4hrs
Additional Information The male Banggai incubates the eggs in his mouth where the eggs hatch, around day 19 post spawn. When the fry are released they are fully developed, about 4-5mm. I removed my male on day 23 and he spit the fry into a net. Twelve survivors and two casualties. NHBS and copepods were provided at this point.
When transferring juveniles
DO NOT use a net, use a clear glass cup or plastic container. Juveniles are
very prone to stress.
In my experience so far, I've found that if I leave them in the 10G rearing tank much longer than 3 weeks I start to lose a few. The latest batch was moved directly to grow out on day 26 after I lost a few and I haven't lost any since.
<message edited by Fishtal on Saturday, March 27, 2010 8:17 PM>