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Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Monday, December 14, 2009 6:19 PM
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Breeding Journal DataSheet General Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus) Social Structure: Pair with one other non-mated specimen (sex unknown) Size of Individuals: Each is about 1" Age of Individuals: Exact age unknown. Date added to Tank: 10/3/09 Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 29g Biocube Substrate Details: Live Sand Filtration Details: Wet/Dry with liverock instead of bioballs. Water Changes: 5g once a week. Water Temperature: 78F Lighting: Soon to be 100% LED. Now is T5 with LED supplement. Lighting Cycle: 10 hours Other Tank Inhabitants: (Besides the three Cardinals) One false perc (soon to be two), one green mandarin, one helfrichi firefish, one gumdrop coral croucher, a skunk cleaner shrimp, a blood cleaner shrimp, two sexy shrimp, two peppermint shrimp, a feather starfish, and lots and lots of coral. Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Freeze dried cyclops, frozen cyclops, frozen mysis Feeding Schedule: Once a day every day. Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: 2/27/10 Dates of Consecutive Spawns: 3/10/10 3/23/10 4/1/10 4/15/10 between 11:00pm and 11:25pm 4/27/10 5/6/10 5/18/10 6/5/10 6/25/10 7/20/10 Number of Eggs: Hundreds? Egg Color: Orange with a pinkish-red dot inside Egg Size: 1mm? Very very small. Length of Time From Spawn to Hatch: ~7 days Larval Tank Details 5g tank with air line Larval Feeding Details Food Types: live larval rotifers Feeding Schedule: 24/7 Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Metamorphosis: Date of Settlement: Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: Size of Grow-Out Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Size at Transfer: Age at Transfer Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Additional Information Miscellaneous Information: I've never bred any saltwater fish before so any info or help is appreciated. Here is a video of them doing a mating dance taken on 12/12/09. They have since continued to act this way for a few days now. Hopefully I will find eggs in the males mouth very soon! Copperbanded Cardinal Fish Mating
<message edited by Bongo Shrimp on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:45 PM>
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:26 PM
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Well still more of the same. The female is still in pursuit of the male to spawn. Waiting...
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 10:17 PM
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I was out of town for two weeks so I don't know what went on during that time. Now, the pair still chase each other around but there is not as much courting going on. Wish I could do something...
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Saturday, February 6, 2010 12:07 PM
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Whoo! As of today, I saw the cards trying to spawn again! I'll keep up to date with what happens... (if anything)
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:37 PM
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WOOOOH!!! The Cards spawned!!! Someone has a mouth full:
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Monday, March 1, 2010 7:30 PM
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Caught him! Now he's in a mesh breeder net. We'll see what happens. I'm just taking things as they come right now since I have no idea what I'm doing.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 3:54 PM
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Well sometime between 12:30AM and 3:30PM, the male dropped the eggs. I put the ones I could collect into a makeshift tumbler but I'm not sure if it's too late already. We'll see.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Friday, March 5, 2010 10:13 PM
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Well I had to toss the eggs since they broke away from the main clump. So I will try again next time.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Friday, March 5, 2010 10:20 PM
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What did the eggs look like at that point? Were they cloudy?
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Sunday, March 7, 2010 1:26 PM
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They were still orange with a pinkish-red dot inside. I should have taken a pic with my microscope. Anyhow the female (at least I assume it's the female) is super super fat. I'm thinking they will spawn again very very soon.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 3:07 PM
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Thats pretty neat -I've often thought of having a large "school" of these in a bigger tank. Keep us posted, once I'm settled I might have to give this a try!
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:49 PM
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Well I'm going to set up a rearing tank since the next spawn seems imminent. And something interesting I learned today from Matt Wittenrich is that IF I can successfully raise the copper cards, I would be the first person EVER to do it. (at least that we know of)
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Sunday, March 14, 2010 9:48 PM
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Ok, now I'm thinking they will spawn any time between now and the next 2 or 3 days. They have been courting like in the video A LOT tonight.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Monday, March 15, 2010 2:48 PM
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Well, my suspicions were correct. They spawned last night and the male is holding the eggs.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Thursday, March 18, 2010 3:59 PM
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Well, several days ago the male either ate or dropped the eggs. Waiting for the next round...
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1:46 PM
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Again already? This is crazy! I'll get a pic this time before he drops them. (hopefully he won't though)
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:32 PM
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Well, again, the male either ate or dropped the eggs. Hope he figures it out soon.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:23 PM
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Sorry I'm so late with this but here are the pics from the most recent spawn. The pair: Dad:
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Friday, April 2, 2010 9:20 PM
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Ok, they spawned again yesterday near about midnight. I won't be able to provide photographic evidence this time though since I was leaving for the airport (at 2AM) when I noticed.
Re:Breeding Journal, Species: Copperbanded Cardinal Fish (Apogon margaritophorus)
Friday, April 2, 2010 9:25 PM
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They sure have the spawning part down.