Breeding Journal DataSheet for Porcellana sayana
General Species: Porcellana sayana? - This is the only name I have seen applied to these Porcelain Crabs coming in from Florida collectors. It is not known if it is an accurate indentification.
Social Structure: individual. Unknown whether they are hermaphrodites or gonochorists.
Size of Individuals: 1"+ across
Age of Individuals: unknown, all are wild caught
Date added to Tank: varies...I've had some for years now, and we always just keep a few in the tank
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 24 gallon nanocube
Substrate Details: live sand
Filtration Details: stock filtration
Water Changes: 25% weekly
Water Temperature: 78-82F
Lighting: stock twin power compacts with 50/50 bulbs
Lighting Cycle: 12 hours on, on timer
Other Tank Inhabitants: Many others over the years, including peppermint shrimps. We keep our Porcellain Crabs in the Onyx Percula (Amphiprion percula) broodstock tank.
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: anything they can get their claws on
Feeding Schedule: multiple feedings per day
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Completely and totally unknown
Spawn Time of Day: unknown, never observed mating
Dates of Consecutive Spawns: again, unknown
CourtShip Details: fully unknown
Egg Size: never observed
Egg Color: again, unknown
Egg Count: unknown, but easily in the hundreds based on the number of larvae we collected
Hatch Details Hatch Date: 5/12/2008
Hatch Time of Day: 1:00 AM
# Days after Spawn: unknown
Larve Description: UNMISTAKEABLE. They have a "rostratum" that is like 10X the length of the rest of their body. There is also a protrusion from the back of the head of sorts. They have big silvery eyes, and the rest of the body kindof hangs down like a shrimp tail... Pictures will do it far better justice
Larval Tank Details Temperature: 82F
Size of Larval Tank: 10 gallon tank, initially half filled with broodstock tank water
Substrate Details: none
Other Tank Decor: none
Filtration Details: none
Lighting: 18" 15 watt strip light
Lighting Cycle: probably was on for around 18 hours per day
Water Changes: none
Larval Feeding Details Food Types: initially, offered nauplii of Tigriops californicus (Tiggerpods). Added in greenwater that included Nanno, Tet, T-Iso and Rhodomonas. Baby Brine shrimp were not already on hand, so it took about 2 days to have those to offer. I dont' recall adding any rotifers at any time, nor did I document any rotifers in my notes.
Feeding Schedule: kinda ad-hoc...was feeding enriched baby brine once I had it twice per day, but they initially didn't go through much if they were even eating it. Only saw actually feeding 7 days after hatch
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start:
Days after Hatch:
Date of Settlement End:
Description of Fry:
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature:
Size of Grow-Out Tank:
Substrate Details:
Other Tank Decor:
Filtration Details:
Lighting Cycle:
Water Changes:
Size at Transfer:
Age at Transfer
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types:
Feeding Schedule:
Additional Information Miscellaneous Information:
Originally documented on MOFIB -
http://www.marinebreeder....c.php?f=196&t=2656 Longest I made it was 10 days out...based on the information I had, another crab from this genus was reared in the lab, and well, these guys should be possible. I may try these again...they're fun little crabs and make great additions to a reef tank.
Here's what the parents look like:
Newly hatched at 10X - look towards the bottom, and notice the extremely long rostratum
Newly hatched at 60X