Breeding Journal DataSheet for Clibanarius tricolor
General Species: Clibanarius tricolor
Social Structure: individuals, do not know if they are hermaphrodites or gonochorists
Size of Individuals: kinda hard to Astrea snail shells
Age of Individuals: unknown (wild caught)
Date added to Tank: Before 7-4-2006
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 24 gallon nanocube
Substrate Details: live sand
Filtration Details: stock nanocube filtration
Water Changes: 25% weekly
Water Temperature: 78-80F
Lighting: 150 watt HQI Metal Halide
Lighting Cycle: 12 hours on, on timer
Other Tank Inhabitants:
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: scavenging
Feeding Schedule: continuus
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Date of mating not known - all of this is nice and hidden in the way of knowing!
Spawn Time of Day: unknown
Dates of Consecutive Spawns: unknown
CourtShip Details: unknown
Egg Size: unknown
Egg Color: unknown
Egg Count: unknown
Hatch Details Hatch Date: 7-4-2006
Hatch Time of Day: after midnight
# Days after Spawn: unknown
Larve Description: small (2.5 mm) clear crustaceans that kinda look like tiny lobsters without claws or antenna - around 100 collected
Larval Tank Details Temperature: 78-80F
Size of Larval Tank: 0.5 gallon specimen cup, hanging in the broodstock tank
Substrate Details: none
Other Tank Decor: none
Filtration Details: none
Lighting: 150 watt HQI Metal Halide
Lighting Cycle: 12 hours on, on timer.
Water Changes:
Larval Feeding Details Food Types: Initially T-Iso, Nannochloropsis and SS Strain rotifers.
Feeding Schedule: greenwater technique, added as needed.
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start:
Days after Hatch:
Date of Settlement End:
Description of Fry:
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature:
Size of Grow-Out Tank:
Substrate Details:
Other Tank Decor:
Filtration Details:
Lighting Cycle:
Water Changes:
Size at Transfer:
Age at Transfer
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types:
Feeding Schedule:
Additional Information Miscellaneous Information:
When this first happened, I was trying to collect FISH larvae. I didn't know what I had collected at first but we figured it out. Posted what I did at Reef Central -
http://archive.reefcentra...howthread.php?t=878653 Made it about a week...other folks have made it longer, and I've heard there have been some successes with other hermits, so if these haven't been done, they will be. Andy Rhyne actually put meta at 25 days in the thread above. I think the big thing standing in the way is you can buy these RETAIL for under a $1...kinda defeats any incentive to breed them at this point in time.
As with most anything I've failed with before, I may revisit it again in the future

It's also worth mentioning that as I go through my records on many of these invert attempts, I'm noticing that the end of the project coincides with a 2-3 day absence...
The only pictures I ever posted online
<message edited by mPedersen on Friday, February 5, 2010 11:16 PM>