Breeding Journal DataSheet for Synchiropus splendidus
General Species: Synchiropus splendidus
Social Structure: non monogamous, male's court females and mate as pairs
Size of Individuals: I have multiple pairs. If male is smaller than female, they do not get along.
Age of Individuals: unknown, always wild caught
Date added to Tank: N/A
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 24 gallon nanocubes
Substrate Details: live sand
Filtration Details: stock nanocube filtration
Water Changes: 25% weekly
Water Temperature: 78-82F
Lighting: one pair under stock power compacts, another pair under 150 watt Metal Halide
Lighting Cycle: generally 12 hours per day, on a timer
Other Tank Inhabitants: too many to mention, but includes other dragonettes, filefish species, clownfish species, cardinalfish species etc..
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: All Dragonettes I keep are trained onto frozen brine shrimp and frozen mysis. Most also take Formula 1 pellets, spectrum pellets etc
Feeding Schedule: multiple feedings per day, at least one of which is frozen shrimps...
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn:
Spawn Time of Day:
Dates of Consecutive Spawns:
Courtship Details:
Egg Size:
Egg Color:
Egg Count:
Hatch Details Hatch Date:
Hatch Time of Day:
# Days after Spawn:
Larvae Description:
Larval Tank Details Temperature:
Size of Larval Tank:
Substrate Details:
Other Tank Decor:
Filtration Details:
Lighting Cycle:
Water Changes:
Larval Feeding Details Food Types:
Feeding Schedule:
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start:
Days after Hatch:
Date of Settlement End:
Description of Fry:
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature:
Size of Grow-Out Tank:
Substrate Details:
Other Tank Decor:
Filtration Details:
Lighting Cycle:
Water Changes:
Size at Transfer:
Age at Transfer
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types:
Feeding Schedule:
Additional Information Miscellaneous Information:
I've tracked my work with this species in a few threads, the first 2 on Reef Central, and the last on MOFIB:
Reef Central, Part I - Reef Central, Part II - MOFIB, Part III -
http://www.marinebreeder....ic.php?f=176&t=661 I genuinely believe that I may have had a juvenile or two settle, but couldn't find them and thus assumed they had passed away. Hindsight being what it is, I think I did get to settlement, so I WILL again attempt to rear these in the future and WILL accomplish success (as others have). It IS within reach of a dedicated hobbyist. It IS also VERY tough, at the top of what a home hobbyist can currently expect to accomplish!
Some selected pictures from my efforts:
One of my favorite pictures of all times, Mandarins in the spawning rise
More to come...