Breeding Journal DataSheet
This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system
General Species: Pterapogon kauderni Wild caught
Social Structure: Pair, Male slightly larger than Female
Size of Individuals: Approx. 2.5"-3"
Age of Individuals: Unknown
Date added to Tank: 12/2010
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 16"x12"x13" 170 gallons total system volume
Substrate Details: Bare bottom
Filtration Details: Central system with clownfish. 50 gallon rubbermaid sump, 1/3 hp chiller, 57 watt UV sterilizer, ASM 5 Skimmer, live rock for biological.
Water Changes: Siphon detritus out of cube as needed. 30 gallon partial every week.
Water Temperature: 81 degrees
Lighting: 4' T-8 Coralife 10K Fluorescent bulb
Lighting Cycle: 13on/11off 8A-9P
Other Tank Inhabitants: none
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Omega Sea frozen mysis, chopped krill and super brine shrimp. Soaked in Selco. Do not care for fish roe or flake/pelleted foods. Occasional enriched live brine shrimp.
Feeding Schedule: 3- 4 time daily along with clownfish feedings.
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: 05/14/2011
Spawn Time of Day: unsure
Dates of Consecutive Spawns: 8/26/2011, 10/03/2011
Courtship Details: did not witness- Noticed male quit eating and will not face towards me when at aquarium.
Egg Size: unsure
Egg Color: pale pink
Egg Count: unsure
Hatch Details Hatch Date: Unsure- Eggs in father's mouth
Hatch Time of Day: Spit out larvae when i moved the male. 6pm 9/14/2011
# Days after Spawn: approx. 19-20
Larvae Description: Miniature of adult- Spit out early. Still have egg sack
Larval Tank Details Temperature: 81 deg
Size of Larval Tank: Same as brood stock
Substrate Details: bare bottom
Other Tank Decor: artificial urchin
Filtration Details: same as broodstock
Lighting: 10k NO 4'ft fluorescent
Lighting Cycle: 13 on 11 off 8A-9P
Water Changes: Same as broodstock
Larval Feeding Details Food Types: Still on egg sack. Will try <12hr artemia naupaulii on 9/15/2011
Feeding Schedule: as often as necessary to keep food in aquarium
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start: Come out as miniature of adult. Held in male's mouth for at least 2 days after hatch
Days after Hatch: Approx. 14 Days
Date of Settlement End: 09/14/2011
Description of Fry: Miniature version of adult. With egg sack still. When moving male he spit them out early.
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: 81 F
Size of Grow-Out Tank: BRT-17 gallons w/ clownfish
Substrate Details: bare bottom
Other Tank Decor: artificial urchin
Filtration Details: Isolated BRT. No filtration.
Lighting: 4ft. Corallife 10K t-8
Lighting Cycle: 13hrON-11hr Off 8A-9P
Water Changes: Siphon debris as needed. Water changes every day.
Size at Transfer: Approx. 20-25mm. Moved them in BRT with meta clownfish.
Age at Transfer: 15 days post release
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Started with Otohime B-1 and now onto Otohime B-2
Feeding Schedule: 3 times per day. Morning, mid afternoon, and hour before lights go off.
Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Miscellaneous Information: See videos of them feeding.
You will be required to provide photographic or video evidence in this thread of each event submitted for the MBI Program.
If your thread does not contain these photos the MBI Committee will not be able to approve your reports. PHOTOS AND VIDEO S MUST BE PLACED IN ADDITIONAL POSTS, NEVER IN THE FIRST POST IN A JOURNAL.
<message edited by TheCoralShoppe on Monday, October 3, 2011 5:32 PM>