When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:18 PM
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What requirements do you guys have to give up on a pair and sell them or re-pair with other fish? I have a fancy Perc pair that the female Picasso is about 2.5+ years old and the male Platinum is about 2 years old. They have been together for 1.5+ years and have not bonded with eachother at all. This female couldn't care less about the male. She doesn't chase him, they occupy different areas of the tank. I also have a pair of Clarkii that aren't bonded. The Galaxy female is about 1.75 years old, and the ORA normal male is about 1.25 years old. They have been together for about 10 months. This pair is pretty young, but they aren't showing any signs of bonding. The female chases the male around a lot and generally acts like she doesn't like him. I'm wondering if I should try pairing these fish with other fish. If they haven't bonded after this time, is it unlikely they will be a good pair?
Don't let fear and common sense stop you! =]
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2:23 PM
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You didn't mention the size differences between the fish in each pair...
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:28 PM
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I shouldn´t wait that long for an unbondedpair.But how much to wait for a bonded not spawning pair?
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:24 PM
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Yeah, there is that question too Luis! I read in Hoff's book recently a reference to how long he waited for pairs to bond or spawn, but now I can't find it in the book. I thought it was less than a year...
 Originally Posted by Fishtal
You didn't mention the size differences between the fish in each pair... The Perc Picasso female is about 2.75" and the Platinum male is about 2.25". The Galaxy Clarkii female is about 2.75", and the normal male is about 1.5".
<message edited by EasterEggs on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 10:29 PM>
Don't let fear and common sense stop you! =]
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:37 PM
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Looking back it didn't take me that long to establish pairs with 2 fish from different sources. ie; not acquired as an established pair. Might be time to start looking for new mates. My Darwin female is looking like she's ready to spawn soon, should be interesting to see if the new male does his job.
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:44 PM
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking Tal...time for new pairings. I do have a very small pair of Galaxy Clarkii that are probably not quite a year old yet. They are already bonded and share an anemone in my reef tank. According to Hoff, some Clarkii will form breeding trios with two females. He didn't go into detail. I'm wondering if I should try to remove the normal male Clarkii and introduce this small bonded pair. They are so small compared to the female Galaxy that I'm worried she might kill them. They are not cheap fish, or easy to obtain! (Eek) The Percs I don't know what to do with the local classifieds I suppose.
Don't let fear and common sense stop you! =]
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Friday, June 1, 2012 5:47 AM
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my pair of picassos when i got them were a year old. they fought with eachother everyday for nearly a year. i got fed up and tried moving them to a new tank for a change of scenery and they got along perfect. 3 months later they are spawning on a regular basis. i am still having issues with my blue stripe pair and a pair of cinnamons. cinnamons are already 4 inches big and need more space than the 20 tall I have them in. my blue stirpes are in a 15 gallon and tollerate each other when they are constantly fed, which means a bigger tank for them in the future. try putting them into another tank or take out the fish and rearange the tank then put them back in, it has worked with me for 3 pairs of fish. good luck Mindy.
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Friday, June 1, 2012 6:37 AM
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Thanks Shannon, I might try that. I'm adding another 4 tanks to my broodstock system, so I could move them when those are up and running. I did move the Percs from one of my reef tanks into this system in mid-February and the move didn't change their nonchalant attitude towards eachother.
Don't let fear and common sense stop you! =]
Re:When to give up on a Clown pair
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:06 PM
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Maybe I just had to threaten...the Clarkii pair are cleaning the tiles now and the little male is doing lots of shaking. They still don't seem overly bonded, although lately I noticed the female doesn't chase the male around so much anymore. Maybe some action in the coming weeks. *fingers crossed* The Perc pair are still completely uninterested in eachother. I've been keeping my eyes open for a replacement for one of them.
Don't let fear and common sense stop you! =]