Sexy Shrimp spawn
Saturday, October 27, 2012 4:58 PM
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So my sexy shrimp have been spawning on a weekly basis now. I have been working on a setup to rear the fry and have one thats working well. I had the first 2 sets of fry die within 48 hours from a bad setup. This last batch lasted 1 week. Heres where I need help. The first 2 batches that died I could clearly see the dead fry. Mostly ontop of the surface. This last batch did amazing. I didn't lose a single one to surfacing. I could see them eating the live phyto and bbs. I did a water changing twice with water from my main tank. So everything was going fine and I decided to order some pods to feed them as well. I got one of the packs from reefs2go which also has amphipods. A few hours before adding them I could still see fry doing quite well. I added the reefs2go pack at lunch and when I got home that night I couldn't find a single fry. I did see 3 amphipods had made it into there system via the pump. I see no bodies either. Do you think an amphipod would go after live fry? Heres my setup
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:37 PM
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Think of amphipods as alien invaders with unstoppable appetites. They will indeed predate upon the larvae. Shrimp do not have fry, just fish. Its also a term not widely used with MO breeding, mainly aquaculture.
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 12:12 AM
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Thanks for the info. I will now have to rid my setup of these guys somehow. Since my larval are all dead I guess I can drain it and start fresh. I have 3 females with eggs right now. What type of pods would you suggest stocking since I hate BBS with a passion?
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:58 AM
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I used Apocyclops panamensis for my harlequin shrimp larvae. I hope this will point you in the right direction.
RLTW 180 Gallon Mixed Reef Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:53 PM
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Just fyi, if you ever need to trap amphopods: Put a piece of frozen mysis or other yummy fish food in a piece of bridal veil (that lacy stuff that brides use to make those sexy hair dodads). Wrap it up loosley, put it in the sump, wait overnight. The amphopods will climb in it to eat the snack. The next day, take it and shake it out in your fish tank. Or, if you don't have hungry fish that want to eat them, throw it away. Or, best yet, send them to me!
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:54 PM
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Oh. Strong work on your set up. It looks amazing!
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 8:29 PM
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Whats your location? This is a 30.00 pack of pods from reefs2go. I'm going to drain the whole and strain the water with brine shrimp net. Should get them all. I will have to dry the rock out and then wash. I changed the settup and will post a vid after it's running.
Re:Sexy Shrimp spawn
Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:24 PM
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You are too kind! I was just teasing. I have a zillion pods. I just have dozens of fish who love them! I bet you do too. Put them in your tank!