Breeding Journal DataSheet
General Species: A. percula (wild caught Onyx male, ORA Picasso female)
Social Structure: Proven pair
Size of Individuals: Male is 1.5" and female is 2.25"
Age of Individuals: Male is 4-5 years old and previously proven, female is 3 years old previously virgin.
Date added to Tank: The Picasso female I've grown out from a juvie that I bought in Sept 2010. The Onyx male a friend grew out from a juvie. I acquired him Jan 19, 2012 aged approximately 4 years. The two were housed together in a couple different tanks for some time (a few months?) before they were moved to their current tank on Oct 28, 2012.
Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 15 gallons plumbed to 165-gallon broodstock system
Substrate Details: Light dusting of sand
Filtration Details: Central sump - filter sock, submerged bioballs, EuroReef RS-180 skimmer.
Water Changes: 40-50% every 2-3 weeks.
Water Temperature: 80F
Lighting: Ambient room light from light spill from other tanks right now.
Lighting Cycle: 14 hours on, 10 hours off.
Other Tank Inhabitants: None.
Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Mostly homemade mash, some frozen PE Mysis, some HBH Super Soft Spirulina pellets, and some TDO EP1. They are not very good feeders, they are shy.
Feeding Schedule: 2-3x daily.
Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Approximately Nov 28, 2012 (spawned on tile bottom)
Spawn Time of Day: Not observed
Dates of Consecutive Spawns: 12/21/12.
* I was away from the breeding room for the winter. *
03/30/13. 294 eggs.
04/12/13. Not counted, about the same as previous.
Courtship Details: None observed before first spawn. Totally unexpected. They do seem a bit more skittish than usual for a couple days before spawning, but they are normally quite skittish. Otherwise, they don't really act any different pre-spawn. The female's ovipositor is only visible during spawning. I am usually surprised to see them spawning.
Egg Size: Not measured.
Egg Color: Bright orange, oblong.
Egg Count: Only 3 eggs found on Nov 30, 2012.
Hatch Details Hatch Date: 04/07-08/13.
Hatch Time of Day: An hour after dark.
# Days after Spawn: 8-10
Larvae Description: 4 mm including the little clear tail fin. Big head, yellow belly area, and tiny little tails. Big silver eyes, big mouths. Larvae move in a fluttering and darting motion. Larvae turned orange around day 3 which is much quicker than Occelaris which don't turn orange until meta. NOTE - Later I have noted that the orange coloration is actually a direct result of feeding TDO. No TDO, no orange.
Consecutive Hatch Dates: 04/20/13. About 10 remaining on tile unhatched, but looking healthy.
05/17-18/13. Missed the hatch on the 17th, caught the larvae on the 18th hatch.
Larval Tank Details Temperature: 80F
Size of Larval Tank: 5-gallon aquarium half filled, or 9-gallon BRT 1/3 filled.
Substrate Details: None
Other Tank Decor: Airstone
Filtration Details: None
Lighting: 7.5 watt incandescent bulb for the first few days, then 13w spiral compact fluorescent turned away. Some tanks are ambient room lighting.
Lighting Cycle: 14 on, 10 off
Water Changes: 50% every 1-2 days. New plan - no waterchanges until after meta (no dry food either).
Larval Feeding Details Food Types: L-type rotifers grown with RotiGrow Plus, enriched with N-Rich PL Plus. TDO A added on day 3. Rotifers tapered off towards meta as larvae as seen eating TDO A. New plan - TDO A added after meta.
Feeding Schedule: Rotifers are fed in the morning, TDO A is added 3x per day. New plan - enriched rotifers added in the morning, more (not enriched) added in the afternoon if needed.
Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start: 05/25/13 (04/07/13 batch started settlement 04/20)
Days after Hatch: 8
Date of Settlement End: 05/28/13 (04/07/13 batch end settlement 04/23)
Description of Fry: At hatch the larvae are streamlined carrot-shaped. As they get closer to meta, the body deepens so they become oval shaped (like adult Percula) when viewed from the side. At the end of meta, the first stripe is evident. During meta the swimming motion changes from the larvae flutter to the Clownfish bob/wag. About 8 mm including tail.
Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: 80F
Size of Grow-Out Tank: 5-gallon aquarium filled.
Substrate Details: None
Other Tank Decor: Airstone
Filtration Details: None
Lighting: 13 watt compact fluorescent
Lighting Cycle: 14 on, 10 off
Water Changes: 50% once every 2 weeks
Size at Transfer: Not transfered. This is the hatch tank.
Age at Transfer: See above.
Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: TDO B2
Feeding Schedule: 4x per day via auto feeder
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<message edited by EasterEggs on Wednesday, July 3, 2013 10:43 PM>