Culturing Journal DataSheet
This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system
General Species: Moina salina
Species description: Cladoceran of the family Moinidae
Culture source (link if possible
): Angi in Germany
If algae, CCMP # (Optional
): N/A Culture Establishment Date: 10/29/2010
Continuation Date: 1/28/2011
Culturing Vessel Details Salinity: Various. Ranges from 1.026 to 1.010.
Temperature: Various. Ranges from 55 - 75 F
pH: Not measured
Vessel description: Various. Ranges from 500 ml flasks to glass fishbowls to 5 gallon buckets to 40 gallon Brute containers.
Lighting description: Typically, ambient phytoplankton station light. In the greenhouse, ambient daylight.
Lighting cycle: In the phyto station, 16H on / 8H off. In the greenhouse, daily light cycle for 38 degrees N latitude, depending on time of year.
Aeration description: Inside, relatively strong areation from a rigid airline. In the greenhouse, none.
Methodologies Split methodology: Harvest about 1/4 daily from vigorous indoor cultures, replace water removed with clean, new ASW of same salinity.
Culture medium description: Saltwater anywhere from 1/2 to full strength salinity, plus live phytoplankton, or sometimes preserved phytoplankton products, such as RGComplete.
Cell count: Not counted.
Reference links: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Notes: These have been in continuous culture, either inside in intensive culture, or in the greenhouse, in a co-culture in larger containers with Tigriopus and Apocyclops, ever since I got them back in October 2010. During the winter, the greenhouse cultures will reduce their numbers and fecundity significantly, but they never disappear entirely.
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