Breeding Journal: Stenopus cyanoscelis
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 6:06 PM
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This thread is document the breeding of Stenopus cyanoscelis. Mated paired was purchased on 08/29/2013. I was not present for the first spawn. The second spawn took place on 09/03/2013 right after the first eggs hatched (night of 09/02/2013.) I estimated between 150-200 larvae. Parents are in a 2.5 gallon holding aquarium that sits in a 120 gallon frag system (no direct plumbing). The larvae were siphoned out and placed in a cylinder (7" diameter x 24" height). The larvae were transferred with .5 gallons of the original saltwater, then 1 gallon new saltwater was added. Baby brine shrimp was added to match about 5-7 bbs/cc
<message edited by pj86 on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:48 AM>