Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Monday, December 30, 2013 10:16 AM
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Breeding Journal DataSheet This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system General Species: Paguristes cadenati Social Structure: Multiple individuals in the tank (five) Size of Individuals: 1/2 to 1 inch (estimated) Age of Individuals: Unknown Date added to Tank: Mid December 2013 Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 40 gallon breeder plumbed into a ~200 gallon system Substrate Details: sand, crushed gravel Filtration Details: live sand, live rock, bioballs, protein skimmer Water Changes: As needed Water Temperature: ~80F Lighting: Fluorescent strip light Lighting Cycle: 6AM-8PM Other Tank Inhabitants: Oregonia gracilis, Alpheus armatus pair Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Frozen mash, pellets, mysis Feeding Schedule: At least two times a day Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Unknown Spawn Time of Day: Unknown Dates of Consecutive Spawns: 2-19-2014 (estimated) Courtship Details: None noted Egg Size: Unknown Egg Color: Unknown Egg Count: Unknown Hatch Details Hatch Date: 3-5-2014, 4-1-2014 Hatch Time of Day: After lights out # Days after Spawn: Unknown, estimate 2-3 weeks prior to hatch Larvae Description: Slightly larger than Clibinarius hermit larvae, some orange on the carapace Larval Tank Details Temperature: 75-80F Size of Larval Tank: 3L bottle, inverted Substrate Details: None Other Tank Decor: None Filtration Details: None Lighting: Fluorescent strip light Lighting Cycle: 6AM to 9PM Water Changes: 100% every two or three days Larval Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start: Days after Hatch: Date of Settlement End: Description of Fry: Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: Size of Grow-Out Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Size at Transfer: Age at Transfer: Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Miscellaneous Information: You will be required to provide photographic evidence in this thread of each event submitted for the MBI Program. If your thread does not contain these photos the MBI Committee will not be able to approve your reports.
<message edited by shannpeach on Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:21 PM>
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 9:43 AM
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These were found in the larval snagger on the morning of 12-30-2013 with some Oregonia gracilis larvae. I put them in an inverted 3L bottle with some phyto, nhbbs and a small number of rotifers. In the evening I planned to separate out the two different species, but it turns out all of the Oregonia larvae died during the day (I don't know why). The P. cadenati larvae got a 100% water change, new nhbbs, and some isochrysis. I pulled a few for some pics: I don't have any pics of the adults yet...
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Thursday, January 2, 2014 9:39 AM
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Okay, so I mixed up a couple containers and the previous pics are likely actually some C. tricolor hermit crabs. (See full story here: Yesterday I pulled some from the Oregonia container and took some day 3 pics: Tomorrow I will likely try to separate them out.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Thursday, March 6, 2014 11:31 AM
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Okay, so after a few start-stops and "wait, that looks like a clibanarius larva"s, I have finally gotten some P. cadenati larvae Not very many in the snagger at all, probably less than 20. The adults are in a 40 breeder, so perhaps it would be better to keep them in a smaller tank. Maybe then I would get more larvae? Anyway, it's to the point now where I can identify by eye what larvae came from what in the broodstock system. I have species in each tank that have recognizably different larvae, but sometimes larvae from another spawn in a different tank make their way all the way through the system to a different tank/snagger. Still, most are pretty easy to separate out. Here we have P. cadenati, most easily distinguished by their larger size than other hermit crab larvae (nearly the size of shrimp larvae!) and they also have a bit of orange-ish brown color to the eye (and under the scope). They also seem to look a bit more "pointy" or have more sharp edges, if that makes sense.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:18 PM
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Day 5 pics from last night: They have been getting nhbbs/enriched bbs and the water is tinted with either live phyto or RG complete. They have had two 100% water changes so far. Still seem to have a similar number as what I started with, which was not many. 20-30 or so. Maybe next water change I will try to count them out.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Friday, March 14, 2014 8:03 AM
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I accidentally dumped these guys...oops! I think I may still have one or two, but...
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Monday, March 17, 2014 8:23 AM
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Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:19 PM
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The last attempt ended a couple days after I put them in the flat bottom container. I had another small hatch the night of 4-1, but less than 10. They either don't have a lot of larvae per hatch or the tank is too big and the snagger is not efficient enough to capture the larvae. Maybe I will try moving them to a smaller tank.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 8:47 AM
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Pics of adults. There are two in this pic. There were four in the tank at one point, but I only saw these two. I may get a few more adults to try to get more larvae to work with. Right now I rarely get more than 10, and that happens about once a month it seems.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 11:25 PM
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Any chance you could post a side by side of the two common hermit larvae so we can see how you're able to ID them?
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Paguristes cadenati (scarlet hermit crab)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 9:29 AM
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Sure. Here is a Clibanarius sp. larva: And here is a P. cadenati The main differences I see are that the P. cadenati have small spikes on the abdomen that the Clibanarius lack. The Clibanarius also seem to have some reddish tint on the abdomen region (under the scope, at least) but the P. cadenati have color more on the carapace. The images I am showing above are taken in different ways and at different scales. I will try to get day 1 pics of each using the same camera next time I get a hatch from each for a better side-by-side comparison