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Culture Journal, Species: Micromonas pusilla
Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:06 AM
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Culturing Journal DataSheet This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system General Species: Micromonas pusilla Species description: picophytoplankton, usually less than 2uM Culture source (link if possible ): If algae, CCMP # (Optional ): Culture Establishment Date: 4-8-2014 Continuation Date: Culturing Vessel Details Salinity: ~1.021 Temperature: ~65 F pH: Not measured Vessel description: 500mL bottle Lighting description: Fluorescent strip light Lighting cycle: 14 hours on, 10 hours off Aeration description: None at the moment Methodologies Split methodology: Culture medium description: 0.5mL of FAF Microalgae grow per L of ASW (Sterilized with 0.5mL of bleach per L, neutralized with 1.5mL of 1M sodium thiosulfate per L) Cell count: (if known) Reference links: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Notes: Got a very small starter of this. We'll see how it does! You will be required to provide photographic evidence and as much detail as possible about your project in this thread. If your thread does not contain detailed enough photos and information the MBI Council will not be able to approve your reports.