Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Saturday, June 20, 2015 8:24 AM
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Breeding Journal DataSheet This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system General Species: Nemateleotris decora , purple firefish Social Structure: pair Size of Individuals: about 2 inches Age of Individuals: unknown Date added to Tank: 6/16/15 Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 20 gallon long, 30 x 12 x 12 Substrate Details: none except for a few PVC pipe fittings Filtration Details: Sponge filter Water Changes: bi- monthly, about 10 % Water Temperature: 79 Lighting: coralife blue led strip , switching to LED strip light, cool white Lighting Cycle: 14 hours day, 10 hours night Other Tank Inhabitants: This is QT. I also have 2 E. evelynae. Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: Frozen mash, Otohime C1, copepods and enriched brine shrimp, 2 days old Feeding Schedule: morning and evening Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Spawn Time of Day: Dates of Consecutive Spawns: Courtship Details: Egg Size: Egg Color: Egg Count: Hatch Details Hatch Date: Hatch Time of Day: # Days after Spawn: Larvae Description: Consecutive Hatch Dates: Larval Tank Details Temperature: Size of Larval Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Larval Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start: Days after Hatch: Date of Settlement End: Description of Fry: Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: Size of Grow-Out Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Size at Transfer: Age at Transfer: Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Miscellaneous Information: You will be required to provide photographic or video evidence in this thread of each event submitted for the MBI Program. If your thread does not contain these photos the MBI Committee will not be able to approve your reports. PHOTOS AND VIDEO S MUST BE PLACED IN ADDITIONAL POSTS, NEVER IN THE FIRST POST IN A JOURNAL.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Saturday, June 20, 2015 8:50 AM
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To let them settle in, I put each fish in a separate QT. Last night I combined them, and at first they huddled together, head to tail, under the sponge filter. Later, they swam around the tank displaying fins to each other, taking turns. I have hope.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:26 PM
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These two seem to be getting along well. I hope that is a good sign, but not sure it is with this species.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:50 AM
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Love these fish! Good luck.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 2:43 PM
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This fish is also a favorite of mine. It's great that they appear to have pair bonded immediately.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 AM
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It might be great, but I'm not sure. Sometimes pairs are not supposed to get along. My damsels hate each other except when spawning. Orchid dottybacks pairs don't get along either IIRC . that said, given their relative sizes (one big, one smaller) I think we are doing OK, and time will tell.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 9:44 AM
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Strange bedfellows: Usually when I get to the fishroom early, I find them both in here: But today, just the one. The other one was here: I suppose it is nice that they get along...
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:11 PM
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Last night, they did a bit of a dance. Head to tail swimming in circles around each other, and then facing each other and touching mouths like they were either trying to bite one another or kiss one another. They would stay engaged like this and one swim backwards while the other swam forwards, then break it off and be indifferent to one another. Occational flashing of fins happens with some regularity. The funny thing is when I catch them at night or in the morning before the lights go on. They are always in a PVC pipe together, sometime an elbow, that doesn't cover their long bodies, but heads together, and sometimes a yellow neon goby is in there with them.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 8:00 AM
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The smaller one is in trouble. Perching on the floor of the aquarium, some tatter to fins, gilling heavily. The sweet E. evelynae tries to clean her, but I see no parasites at all, and she hates this. The other one swims normally. I don't know what's wrong. Did a water change, dripping in new water.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 9:22 AM
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Lights on this morning, and no sign of the sickly fish...
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 1:48 PM
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Must be time of the year for issues - I've got one who suddenly appears to be blind now. No damage, just looks like she is bumping into things and never straying away from the edge of the tank. (And the pair is no longer the a pair, opposite sides of the tank)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 6:13 PM
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YEAH, she's dead. Found the body this morning. Other one seems fine. E. evelynaes are fine. Wondering if I should prophylactically treat the tank… so I don't lose my breeding piar of E. evelynae.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 8:41 PM
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It definitely is that time of year. This past 2-3 months are the hottest over in the Philippines and Indonesia, its difficult to find fish that are not diseased this time of year.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Nemateleotris decora
Friday, August 28, 2015 12:19 AM
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If it was me, I'd be going after a treatment.