Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:41 PM
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Breeding Journal DataSheet This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system General Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby) Social Structure: pair Size of Individuals: 1.5 - 2 inches long Age of Individuals: unknown Date added to Tank: 7/12/15 Broodstock Tank Details Size of Tank: 15 gallons Substrate Details: sections of PVC pipe, large and small Filtration Details: sponge filter and water changes Water Changes: 10% every other week, siphoning as needed Water Temperature: 80 Lighting: ambient, CFL at ceiling Lighting Cycle: 14 hours daylight, 10 hours night Other Tank Inhabitants: 3 peppermint shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni Broodstock Feeding Details Food Types: frozen mash, occasional brine shrimp, live, copepods in tank, mostly euterpina, live Feeding Schedule: foods added twice a day Spawning Details Date of First Spawn: Spawn Time of Day: Dates of Consecutive Spawns: Courtship Details: Egg Size: Egg Color: Egg Count: Hatch Details Hatch Date: Hatch Time of Day: # Days after Spawn: Larvae Description: Consecutive Hatch Dates: Larval Tank Details Temperature: Size of Larval Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Larval Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Metamorphosis/Settlement Date of Settlement Start: Days after Hatch: Date of Settlement End: Description of Fry: Grow-Out Tank Details Temperature: Size of Grow-Out Tank: Substrate Details: Other Tank Decor: Filtration Details: Lighting: Lighting Cycle: Water Changes: Size at Transfer: Age at Transfer: Grow-Out Feeding Details Food Types: Feeding Schedule: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Miscellaneous Information: You will be required to provide photographic or video evidence in this thread of each event submitted for the MBI Program. If your thread does not contain these photos the MBI Committee will not be able to approve your reports. PHOTOS AND VIDEO S MUST BE PLACED IN ADDITIONAL POSTS, NEVER IN THE FIRST POST IN A JOURNAL.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:42 PM
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I decided I needed these fish, so I bought 2. I am hoping they will spawn in short order. We shall see. They are in QT now.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Monday, July 13, 2015 1:36 AM
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How did you pick the pair? I haven't been able to identify differences between males and females.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:43 AM
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There may not be any. I picked two that had been in the same cube in the store. One has since died, but I'll get another. I think I read that they can switch sexes back and forth, but don't hold me to it. i've been reading a lot about gobies, and it all swims in my head.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 3:37 PM
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Both died. I did not ask enough questions before buying. Should have seen them eating first. Lesson learned the hard way.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Sunday, August 16, 2015 11:36 PM
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This doesn't seem like a fish where "eating" is normally an issue....hrm....
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Monday, August 17, 2015 12:05 PM
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both died within a week of getting them. all other tank inhabitants, shrimp, lived. ideas?
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 12:44 AM
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Kathy, did they eat during quarantine, or did they cease eating when you put them in the tank? Did you give them live artemia during QT? If any planktivore like these don't eat live artemia, I'd say the problem was all in the collection and nothing to do with your tank. Although a "percher" like these shouldn't have needed collection with drugs.
Re: Breeding Journal, Species: Cryptocentrus cinctus (2)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 8:51 AM
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They did seem to be eating, and there were lots of pods in the tank.
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)