Captive Breeding Talk
Saturday, September 26, 2015 1:19 AM
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I have been asked to give a talk on captive breeding at a local fragfest in a couple of weeks that is being run by a local marine aquarium society. I was wondering if anyone has done something like this before and if so if they have any notes/presentations that I could have a look at/steal some ideas from. The target is to do 15 minutes with the goal of encouraging people to attempt to raise ornamentals. Given the audience will be people interested in coral fragging, its probably easier than a general aquarium society crowd. Any help would be very appreciated. thanks Darren
Re:Captive Breeding Talk
Thursday, January 18, 2024 12:29 AM
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Re:Captive Breeding Talk
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 7:17 AM
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I've never done anything like it, but if I was asked to, the absolute first place I would go is Kathy's talk a couple years ago that's on Youtube. Are you going to be talking what's possible currently, what your experience has been, or more of a how to, and starting with clowns or pelagic? I've had nowhere near the success you've had but if my local club asked me to present I think I'd give a quick overview of my history with clowns, and how it has been able to fund (my time not accounted for) other more ambitious projects. Then spend the rest of the time talking about rearing protocols and how you can ramp them from clowns to neon gobies to more difficult species. I worry if you start at Centropyge or something similar you scare off everyone who doesn't want gallons of iso and parvo from the jump. At least they don't think they want gallons of iso and Parvo yet Get them raising clownfish, and show that success there can transition slowly into other species.