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Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triquetra
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8:37 AM
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Culturing Journal DataSheet This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place or changes are made to your system General Species: Heterocapsa triquetra Species description: Mixotrophic dinoflagellate, golden in color Culture source (link if possible ): If algae, CCMP # (Optional ): Culture Establishment Date: 4-8-2014 Continuation Date: Culturing Vessel Details Salinity: ~1.021 Temperature: ~64F pH: Not measured Vessel description: 500 mL bottle Lighting description: Fluorescent strip light Lighting cycle: 14 on, 10 off Aeration description: None at the moment Methodologies Split methodology: Culture medium description: 1 mL of FAF microalgae grow per 2L of ASW (sterilized with 0.5 mL of bleach per L for at least an hour, neutralized with 1.5 mL of 1M sodium thiosulfate per L) Cell count: (if known) Reference links: Additional Information (No Pictures or Videos in the Section Please) Notes: Taken from the Phytoplankton Encyclopedia: -Mixotrophic, can reproduce sexually and asexually -Cells are 16-30 μm long and 9-18 μm wide. The epitheca is conical with straight sides and a rounded end. The hypotheca has an asymmetrical horn and a unique protrusion. Cells do not have spines. -non-toxic and is considered to be a high quality food for heterotrophic dinoflagellates, ciliates, and copepods You will be required to provide photographic evidence and as much detail as possible about your project in this thread. If your thread does not contain detailed enough photos and information the MBI Council will not be able to approve your reports.
<message edited by shannpeach on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:47 AM>
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:58 AM
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Some pics of this nice, large dino 4x objective: 10x objective: 40x objective:
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:13 PM
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I split this and now have one culture that is not aerated and one that is.
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:26 PM
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Took some more pics today that allowed me to get some measurements in these guys. I like the size and hope to try them as a food for rusty goby larvae once the cultures are going strong.
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:48 AM
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This is very nerdy, but I really like looking at these guys under the microscope I have been toying with different culture conditions and right now I have three cultures going. One of them, I am trying to see if feeding RG complete helps increase numbers, but if I can get it to grow in higher densities by just increasing the amount of light, then I would rather skip the extra feeding.
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Friday, May 16, 2014 10:43 PM
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I am finally getting this to grow is good numbers. I may finally have enough to use to test as a possible food for Priolepis larvae.
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:55 AM
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Keep up the good work. I've always wondered why more people didn't culture dinos.
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:35 AM
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So cool! I would love to try some. Where did you get it?
check out Kathy's Clowns, llc website: Captive bred clownfish and more (Wholesale to the trade.)
Re:Culture Journal, Species: Heterocapsa triqueta
Saturday, May 17, 2014 12:07 PM
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It was a gift from a university lab. I can pass some along to you if you want