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Labracinus cyclophthalmus
Synonyms: Cichlops cyclophthalmus, Cichlops spilopterus, Dampieria cyclophthalma, Dampieria cyclophthalmus, Dampieria melanostigma, Dampieria spiloptera, Labracinus cyclophthalma
Environment: Reef-associated; marine; depth range 2 - 20 m (Ref. 9710), usually 10 - 15 m (Ref. 27115)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 22.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 37748)
Distribution: Tropical; 22°C - 26°C (Ref. 27115)
Western Pacific: widely distributed throughout the Indo-Malayan Archipelago, from southern Japan, south to the Northwest Shelf of Australia, and east to New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 2; Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 25; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 14 - 15. Lower lip uninterrupted at symphysis. Vomerine teeth relatively large, arranged in a chevron. Caudal fin rounded; upper part with 5 - 6 procurrent rays and 9 principal rays. Lateral line with anterodorsal series of 43 - 62 (usually 48 - 62) tubed scales extending from gill opening, and a peduncular series of 12 - 14 (usually 18 - 22) tubed scales. Dorsal and anal fins with distinct scaly sheaths (Ref. 37748).
Biology: Found near shelter of coral or rock of shallow reefs (Ref. 9710), with moderate surge or currents where in spread-out groups of mixed sexes. Moves about activity through the gutters and passages (Ref. 48635). Feeds on small fishes (Ref. 559). Frequently seen in the aquarium fish trade, and has been bred in captivity (Ref. 35416) (Ref. 37748).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=12662
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Labracinus cyclophthalmus
Red Dottyback
Labracinus lineatus
Synonyms: Dampieria ignita, Dampieria lineata, Labricinus lineatus
Environment: Reef-associated; marine, usually 5 - 15 m (Ref. 27115)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 25.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 9710)
Distribution: Tropical; 20°C - 24°C (Ref. 27115)
Eastern Indian Ocean: endemic to Western Australia.
Biology: Occurs inshore (Ref. 7300). Found in or near crevices of coral or rock of shallow reefs (Ref. 9710).
Data Sheet: http://fishbase.org/summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=14998
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Labracinus lineatus
 Has Successfully been bred and raised in captivity
Reference: Wittenrich, Complete Illustrated Breeder's Guide to Marine Aquarium Fishes - 2007
Lined Dottyback
Labroides dimidiatus
Synonyms: Cossyphus dimidiatus
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; non-migratory; depth range 1 - 40 m (Ref. 9710), usually 1 - 30 m (Ref. 27115). Tropical; 24°C - 28°C (Ref. 27115); 30°N - 30°S
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 14.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 55367); max. reported age: 4 years (Ref. 3426)
Distribution: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa (Ref. 4392) to the Line, Marquesan, and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe and Rapa islands.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10-11; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 10. Often with yellow back in deep water (Ref. 48636). Scales on lateral line: 50-52 (+2 past hypural) (Ref. 1602).
Biology: Inhabits coral rich areas of inner lagoons and subtidal reef flats to seaward reefs (Ref. 1602). Feeds on crustacean ectoparasites and mucus of other fishes (Ref. 9823, 48636). Monogamous (Ref. 52884). A protogynous hermaphrodite (Ref. 55367). Stays in stations where other fish come to be cleaned. Cleaning intensity is not related to client size or commonness (Ref. 28019). Cleaning stations are occupied by a pair of adults, a group of juveniles or a group of females accompanied by a dominant male where a female becomes a functional male if the dominant male disappears (Ref. 5503). Some adults solitary and territorial. An unfamiliar visitor is usually greeted by dance-like movements with the tail maneuvering the back part of the body up and down. Juveniles behave this way when divers approach closely (Ref. 48636). Minimum depth range of 1 meter in Ref. 27115.
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=5459
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Labroides dimidiatus
Cleaner wrasse
Lachnolaimus maximus
Synonyms: Labrus maximus
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 3 - 30 m (Ref. 9710). Subtropical; 46°N - 7°N
Size/Weight/Age: Maturity: Lm 18.1 cm
Max length : 91.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 7251); common length : 35.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 3726); max. published weight: 11.0 kg (Ref. 36052); max. reported age: 11 years (Ref. 8550)
Distribution: Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia (Canada), Bermuda, and northern Gulf of Mexico to northern South America.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 14; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 10. Deep-bodied wrasse with a strongly arched dorsal profile. First 3 dorsal spines filamentous. Only wrasse with elongate dorsal spines and such a highly arched profile (Ref. 26938). Color variable but generally mottled brownish red with a black spot at rear base of dorsal fin (Ref. 13442).
Biology: A large and economically valuable species, monandric and a protogynous hermaphrodite (Ref. 93709). Adults are found over open bottoms or coral reef areas (Ref. 5217). Often encountered where gorgonians are abundant (Ref. 13442). Feed mainly on mollusks, also crabs and sea urchins (Ref. 3726). Flesh highly esteemed; marketed fresh and frozen (Ref. 3726). Have been reared in captivity (Ref. 35420).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/1071
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Lachnolaimus maximus
Lagocephalus spadiceus
Synonyms: Gastrophysus spadiceus, Sphoeroides spadiceus
Environment: Marine; brackish; demersal; oceanodromous (Ref. 51243). Subtropical
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 19.9 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 42805); common length : 25.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 5450)
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea, South Africa, Australia. Introduced (Lessepsian) in eastern Mediterranean, Israel, Lebanon, Iskenderun, Mersin, Aegean Sea.
Description: Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-13; Anal soft rays: 10 - 12
Biology: Essentially an inhabitant of marine waters, but enters the mouths of rivers (Ref. 4833).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.gr/summary/speciessummary.php?id=8180
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Lagocephalus spadiceus
 Has Successfully been bred and raised in captivity
Reference: Fujita, S. 1966. Egg development, larval stages and rearing of the puffer Lagocephalus lunaris spadiceus (Richardson). J
Half-smooth Golden Puffer
Liopropoma carmabi
Synonyms: Chorististium carmabi
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 15 - 70 m (Ref. 9710)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 6.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 9710)
Distribution: Tropical; 27°N - 21°S
Western Atlantic: Florida Keys, USA and Bahamas to northern South America.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 6 - 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-13. Head, body, and caudal fin alternately striped with yellow-orange and lavender, these stripes separated by red lines (Ref. 13442).
Biology: Found in the recesses of coral reefs. Secretive (Ref. 9710).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=12347
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Liopropoma carmabi
Candy Basslet
Liopropoma eukrines
Wrasse Bass
Liopropoma fasciatum
Wrasse Ass Bass
Liopropoma mowbrayi
Cave Basslet, Cave Bass
Liopropoma multilineatum
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 18 - 50 m (Ref. 48635)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 8.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 2334)
Distribution: Tropical; 15°N - 20°S
Western Pacific: Philippines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Solomons, Fiji, and Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea; also in Rowley Shoals in the eastern Indian Ocean.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-12; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8. Easily identified by the unusual coloration. The yellow is obvious but the red looks grey when seen in natural light (Ref. 48635). Differs from L. tonstrinum by having numerous red pinstripes on its sides, a less pronounced white lateral stripe, and a serrate posterior preopercular margin (Ref. 37816).
Biology: Generally taken from caves (Ref. 1602). Benthic (Ref. 75154). Rotenone was used for collection (Ref. 1602).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/SpeciesSummary.php?ID=7448
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Liopropoma multilineatum
Many-lined Basslet, Manyline Perch
Liopropoma pallidum
Synonyms: Chorististium pallidum
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 6 - 40 m (Ref. 37816)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 6.4 cm SL male/unsexed; (Ref. 1602)
Distribution: Tropical; 15°N - 25°S
Pacific Ocean: eastern Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands; Line, Society, Tuamoto, Austral and Pitcairn Islands.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-12; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8
Biology: Inhabits shallow lagoon and seaward reefs from 6 to 40 m (Ref. 37816).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=7316
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Liopropoma pallidum
Pallid Basslet
Liopropoma rubre
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 3 - 45 m (Ref. 9710)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 10.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 26938)
Distribution: Tropical
Western Atlantic: southern Florida, USA and Bahamas to northern South America.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 6 - 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12. Body yellow-orange with 5 wide black lines along side bordered by red above and below. Large black spot on second dorsal fin; similar spot on anal fin; caudal fin has 2 black spots connected by black bar.
Biology: A solitary species (Ref. 26340) inhabiting deep recesses of coral reefs. Common, but secretive and rarely seen (Ref. 9710). The maximum size for this species is about 8 cm standard length or 100 mm TL (value from Ref. 26938) (P.Heemstra, pers.comm. 12/09).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=3332
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Liopropoma rubre
Swissguard Basslet, Peppermint Bas
Liopropoma susumi
Synonyms: Chorististium susumi, Flagelloserranus meteori, Liopoproma susumi, Ypsigramma brocki, Ypsigramma lineata, Ypsigramma susumi
Environment: Marine; reef-associated; depth range 2 - 34 m (Ref. 9710)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 9.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 9710)
Distribution: Tropical; 30°N - 30°S
Indo-Pacific: Red Sea to the Line Islands and Samoa, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Reunion and New Caledonia.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-12; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8
Biology: Found in caves and crevices in lagoon and seaward reefs (Ref. 6180). Benthic (Ref. 75154).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=7318
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Liopropoma susumi
Meteor Bass, Pinstriped Basslet, Pinstripe Reef Basslet
Liopropoma swalesi
Swalesi Basslet, Swale's Swissgaurd Basslet, Swales Basslet, Pacific Candy Bass,
Liopropoma tonstrinum
Redstriped Basslet
Lipogramma klayi
Bicolor basslet
Lithopoma tectum
Synonyms: Astrea tecta, Trochus tectus
Distribution: Belize, Caribbean Sea, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Gulf of Mexico, Jamaica, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, San Andres
Data Sheet: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=419499
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Lithopoma tectum
 Has Successfully been bred and raised in captivity
West Indian starsnail
Lutjanus sebae
Synonyms: Diacope civis, Diacope sebae, Diacope siamensis, Genyoroge regia, Lutianus sebae
Environment: Reef-associated; brackish; marine; depth range 5 - 180 m (Ref. 6390)
Size/Weight/Age: Max length : 116 cm FL male/unsexed; (Ref. 5738); common length : 60.0 cm TL male/unsexed; (Ref. 55); max. published weight: 32.7 kg (Ref. 5738); max. reported age: 35 years (Ref. 2293)
Distribution: Tropical; 34°N - 36°S, 34°E - 159°E (Ref. 55)
Indo-West Pacific: southern Red Sea and East Africa to New Caledonia, north to southern Japan, south to Australia.
Description: Dorsal spines (total): 11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 16; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 10. Dorsal profile of head steeply sloped. Preorbital bone broad. Preopercular notch and knob moderately developed. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Generally red or pink, darker on the back; fins are red except the pectorals which is pink. Juveniles and small adults have a dark red band from first dorsal spine through eye to tip of snout; a 2nd band from mid-dorsal fin to pelvic fin; a 3rd from base of last dorsal spine to caudal peduncle. Large adults become uniformly red (Ref. 9710). Note: (TL, cm) = 1.00 + 1.24 (SL, cm); n = 828 (Ref. 1450).
Biology: Occur in the vicinity of coral or rocky reefs (Ref. 5484), often over adjacent sand flats and gravel patches (Ref. 55). Also trawled in deeper water on relatively flat bottoms. Juveniles are frequently commensal with sea urchins (Ref. 55). Juveniles less than 20 cm long are common in near shore, turbid waters (Ref. 27260), in mangrove areas (Ref. 55), or among both coastal and deeper water offshore reefs (Ref. 27260). Juveniles can also be found swimming amongst the spines of urchins in shallow coastal bays (Ref. 48635). They move to deeper waters as they grow larger (Ref. 27264), with large fish often moving into shallower water during the winter months (Ref. 27260)(Ref. 27264). They form schools of similar-sized individuals or are solitary (Ref. 6390). Feed on fishes, crabs, stomatopods, other benthic crustaceans and cephalopods. Marketed fresh, dried-salted and frozen (Ref. 9987). Commercially important but in certain regions of the Indian Ocean, large individuals are known to cause ciguatera poisoning (Ref. 11888).
Data Sheet: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=178
WoRMS Link: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxlist&tName=Lutjanus sebae
 Has Successfully been bred and raised in captivity
Red Empereror Snapper
Lybia tessellata
Pom pom crab, boxing crab
Lysmata amboinensis
Cleaner Shrimp